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The 5 elements are the heritage of ancient cultures from Western and Eastern cultures. The power of this concept span across medicine, astrology, astronomy, geomancy and modern science. During this weekend, we will discover or rediscover them in the context of your health and wellbeing.


Since more than 20 years, I was involved into research on the human body and psychological functions. I will present you my path from medical engineering to traditional medicine from the East under the lens of the pulsology: that is the heart of feeling the heart pulse wave.


This workshop is composed of both theoretical and practical considerations about the 5 elements which compose your body and mind with focus on the interpretation of your pulse.


This workshop is an open door to your health via the self-determination of your 5 elements and means to use this knowledge towards a better quality of life. Particular focus on stress and sleep will be given and ways to relax and improve your sleep quality.

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